BoredJedi's Stuff

A place for digital works in appreciation of Stephanie

Looping Animations with sound
Concrete Angel
Hands of Stephanie
The Little Fishcake
Good for One Admission
18 Light Years Ago (Full Size)
Sportaclub Now Open For Business
Emily Doesn't Play Here Anymore (New vocals)
Reflections of Ourselves
Stephanie Post Cake Day
Green Thumb
Boogie Woogie Bugle Girl of Company C
Fad Chases Itself
Continuum Secrets Revealed
Death After YTMND
Once in a Lullaby
Pink Isn't Well She Stayed Back at the Hotel
Joys of Unicycle
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Strange Brew


Cross your eyes, make a wish...





Queen of the Race

Go Step Go Remix

Charooooo (lost hope intermission)

LazyTown: A Lost Hope (Pt 1)

LazyTown: A Lost Hope (Pt 2)

Funky Town

Lazytown Extra (Daft Remix)

Lazytown Extra (rock this party remix)

Lazytown Odyssey